TechneAi Pvt Ltd.

2nd Floor, Moodliar Chambers, 338/C,Rasta Peth, pune

Pay Slip For The Month Of {{$month_name}}

Print Date & Time : {{$data['created_at']}}

Employee Id : {{$data['cu_emp_id']}} UAN No. : {{$uan_no}} Present Days : {{$data['present_days']}}
Employee Name : {{$data['employee']}} PF A/C No. : {{$data['pf_no']}} Extra Working Day : {{$data['extra_days']}}
Designation : {{$data['designation']}} Bank Name : {{$data['bank_name']}}
Location : {{$data['branch']}} Bank A/C No. : {{$data['bank_acc_no']}}
DOJ : {{$data['doj']}} ESIC A/C No. : {{$data['esic_no']}}
Earning Amount Deduction Amount
Basic {{round($data['basic'],0)}} PF {{round($data['employee_pf'],0)}}
DA {{round($data['da'],0)}} PT @if($data['employee_pt'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['employee_pt'],0)}} @endif
HRA {{round($data['hra'],0)}} ESIC @if($data['employee_esic'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['employee_esic'],0)}} @endif
Others Allowances @if($data['other_allowance'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['other_allowance'],0)}} @endif Other Deduction @if($all_deduction == '') 0 @else {{round($all_deduction,0)}} @endif
Attendance Allowances @if($data['attendance_allowance'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['attendance_allowance'],0)}} @endif Advance @if($data['advance_deduction'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['advance_deduction'],0)}} @endif
Incentive {{$data['incentive'] ? $data['incentive'] : 0}} Canteen Deduction @if($data['canteen_deduction'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['canteen_deduction'],0)}} @endif
Arrears @if($data['aries'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['aries'],0)}} @endif MLWF @if($data['mlwf'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['mlwf'],0)}} @endif
Conveyance @if($data['conveyence_allowance'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['conveyence_allowance'],0)}} @endif TDS {{$data['tds'] ? round($data['tds'],0) : 0}}
Medical Allowance @if($data['medical_allowance'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['medical_allowance'],0)}} @endif
Leave Encashment @if($data['leave_encashment'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['leave_encashment'],0)}} @endif
Gross @if($data['gross'] == '') 0 @else {{round($data['gross'],0)}} @endif Total Deduction {{round($all_deduction + $data['employee_pf'] + $data['employee_pt'] + $data['employee_esic'] + $data['advance_deduction'] + $data['canteen_deduction'] + $data['mlwf'] + $data['tds'])}}
Net Salary : {{round($data['net_payment'],0)}} ({{ucfirst($data['amount_in_word'])}} Only.)
  * Other Amount is consist of Allowance
  This is computer generated slip, no need of Signature