UTR -18 number-ABCD12345678901234-12-16 digit-numeric, alphanumeric Cheque no-6 digit-234567 PAN Card-10 alphanumeric-HTTTH3456T Adhar No-14 digit- not star 0 and 1-23456789765432 Refenence no-10 alphanumeric-IOR1234567- 6 to 20 characters- numeric, alphanumeric GST No-23THTRT2345H6Z8--2 digit -PAN no-digit-letter-digit Package NAme-com.modulename Method-Camel case variable-camel case Function-lowercase Refenence no-10 alphanumeric-IOR1234567- 6 to 20 characters- numeric, alphanumeric Create project Add module create ticket basket create Add task ---- test cases-send to review get notifcation change also one task assigned to reviewer Bill type-Laptop 05 dec 2023 Vendor-Rudransh Template-14Dec prathameshk-abcd123 amruta-12345678 TT18091-Goshala version 13 , Testing (App+Web), add user( App), donor master(web), donation (App), Delete- 31070, 31246 When user enter pancard in lower case system display in upper case 7721935188