Fix rate: Verify that if RD purchase is No and rate is unfix and cleared HM process then document should go for fix rate Fix rate: Verify that if RD purchase is Yes and rate is fix and cleared HM process then document should go for fix rate -------------->Fail Fix rate: Verify that if RD purchase is No and rate is fix and cleared HM process then document should go for fix rate Fix rate: Verify that if RD purchase is Yes and rate is fix and not cleared HM process then document should go for fix rate Fix Rate: Verify that if all pcs are rejected before or in hm process then it should not go for fix rate verify that user has no authority of fixing rate then he didnt Verify that user as not able to set fix rate if fine wt remains zero Function point means kiti functions ahet Complexity : Simple, Midum, High rd purchase, rate type and rate field is not available in edit material issue page. 3.fix rate and quantity field accepts zero. system should be displayed appropriate error message to user.