TT24427_Documentation Module_TPM_V2.1_Preeti 1 (3) Haridas 123456 Test Cases while uploading excel file - 1) Check whether the file to be uploaded is .xlsx or .xls or .csv ER - The file should upload successfully and display a success message. 2)Check by uploading nonexcel file i.e doc , .txt , .ppt , .jpg , .png ER - Valid error should be thrown. 3)Check the max size of file allowed and upload. ER - size till allowed value should get upload .If file size extends then valid error message to be thrown. 4)Upload blank excel file . ER - The system should display an error message indicating that the file is empty 5)Upload excel file but corrupted. ER - The system should display an error message indicating that the file is corrupted. 6)Network interruption during uploading the file. ER - The system should display an error message indicating that the file is corrupted. 7)Press upload button twice and upload excel file. ER - Duplicate data should not get uploaded twice. 1.2000 2.1500 3.1500